Monday, June 13, 2011


A changing world isn't the worry of business trying to survive. The issue which businesses struggling to stay on top must grapple with is how quickly the world is changing. I heard someone say that the illiterate of the 21st century is one who is not able to quickly learn, Unlearn and relearn.

Its the information age. And here, "The smart people win".

The geeks are the winners. You've got to really be smart. I am not quick to throw away the timeless wisdom of the old though. That wisdom gives stability. The Youthful knowledge and skill keeps businesses desirous of success today ahead but the wisdom of yesterday will keep them ahead in the long term.

Its a new world order. The time of the long it will be isn't really clear yet. One thing is certain....times have changed...the relevance of the west seems to be waning. It seems to be the time for the East.

Certainty eludes everyone. We must brace up....laws are being rewritten, assumptions challenged and history is in the making...time for the new world order...Spectator or Participator? you choose.