Friday, December 28, 2012

The Politics of Execution

One of the greatest challenges associated with civil servants and other developers of public policy is the assumption that recommendations will be implemented solely because of their merits or the ideals they promote.

I think that the most potent approach of getting things done is for public servants and policy developers to get into what I have tagged "the politics of execution".

Social influence is the strongest determinant of stake holder buy in and ultimate execution of recommendations
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Real wealth is measured by the volume and value of people you relate closely with.

It is not natural for people to live totally independent of others. We can only have healthy personal and corporate growth if we develop a sense of community or social capital.

Even nature teaches us about harmony, symphony and order. Balance is the key to life. Observe the national grid of nations. There is something electrical engineers call "an infinite bus bar". This is a well balance grid that compensates adequately for the deficits or failures of any line connected to the grid. I believe this is the power of true social capital. It must be balanced. It must be flexible and must be responsive.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This is a principle we are currently developing at ACE Innovate Systems Services on Progressive Cost Reduction Strategy.

It is a layered approach to cost reduction. Reducing organization cost parameters layer by layer. Its a top down approach to reducing cost.

First the introduction of cost structure and processes before the optimization of structure and processes. The concept involves an iterative process driven by constant percentage reduction targets.

This progressive consistent approach must be seamless and measurable.

The philosophy of "The Screw" is that it must be DRIVEN in LAYERS.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.