Wednesday, September 4, 2013

BEYOND COMPLEXITY...Simple Answers to Complex Problems

There are no complex problems. It simply depends on who is looking at it. The truth is, problems are complex when observed from a disadvantaged point of view.

Darkness is generally the absence of light. When situations seem complex, the observer needs understanding.

Albert Einstein said "it isn't that we do not have the answers but we fail to ask the right questions"

People are always profering solutions to complex problems but what questions are they responding to.

When we ask the right questions, then we can begin to seek suitable solutions to problems and answers to questions asked.

This brings us to the idea of properly framing problems. This is the point at which we seek adequate understanding of the elements that characterizes or the issues that defines these clearly established problems.

You cannot understand a forest from within, neither can you understand a maze from within.

The point is "we cannot solve problems at the same level at which they were created"...Albert Einstein

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