Thursday, September 5, 2013

Global Problems, Local Solutions

The world is consumed with the pursuit of global solutions. The quest for answers to climate change, the global economic melt down, the challenge of unemployment, violence, injustice and insecurity.

What I find is there really isn't any global solution. It is my opinion that a top down approach to finding solutions to the global challenges isn't the best approach. The focus should be on developing local capacity to engage and resolve local problems.

Interventionist methods of problem resolution are hardly sustainable. The art of local communities learning how to frame problems, understand context and develop solutions must be encouraged.

It is my candid opinion that focus must be placed on searching for local models and attempt to replicate successes in other locations then we would have indeed developed a global solution.

In summary, my proposal is similar to how complex problems are generally solved. You break them into simple problems, limit the scope and combine or aggregate individual simple solutions.

We need to break the world into smaller units, narrow the scope of our engagements and aggregate local solutions for global impact.


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