Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Mr Fela Durotoye is one of the most innovative business consultants I know. His insight, understanding and wisdom is remarkable. Defined by raw talent, carefully honed skill and incredible human connection. I learned a lot from him and will definitely always cherish my days at Visible Impact. I will like to share some of the things I learned while with him.

1.   8/30/4 Rule: This is a principle FD encourages when writing any form of business proposal. You know most executives are extremely busy people and so do not have the time to go through bulky materials. This principle will guide you proposal development. Your proposal must not exceed 8 pages, most catch the readers attention in less than 30 seconds and the reader must be done with it in less than 4 minutes. Amazing principle. Some other support proposal writing principles like our use of pictures since "a picture speaks a million words", papering style and others make the proposals generated by visible impact trained consultants stand out.

2.   3x3 Project Matrix: Our Projects are determined by a three by three matrix system that helps us to capture the degree of importance of any of our project in terms of its income potential, Brand Visibility and Social Impact. We tend to pursue projects with the highest and most measurable or visible impact that is most rewarding to stakeholders especially those we serve.

3.  Vault Raiding:  This is a principle we teach clients especially bankers why they should treat third party cheque holders with highest regard and try to woo them to open an active account with bank being presented with the cheque. The reason is, the third party cheque holder is the "raiding your bank's vault".On the other hand if the presenter of the cheque has an account with you bank, then the bank retains its fund and the vault is not raided. The idea is the optimal retention of depositors funds.

4.  The Seven Star Performer:  This is a performer enhancement model that captures the seven dimensions that define the individuals that make up high performance organizations. That is. preferred service provider to the customer, most inspiring leader to the subordinate, dream subordinate to the boss, most sought after team member, industry role model, most valuable asset to management, and master of self.

There is much more to share but I guess that's all for now. You will do well to experience a training session facilitated by Visible Impact or any of its affiliates. Its an experience you really cannot pay enough for. Have a great day.


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