Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Management experts often say that people are the greatest asset of any organization. Well, that is only true if the people are good people. It is a fact that organizations are only as great as the people who drive them. Greatness for any organization is the summation of the individual greatness of its people. Imagine the creative potential within every truly creative organization. In essence, the individual is at the heart of any truly progressive organization.

So for the individual, the following will greatly enhance personal performance in the workplace:

1. TIME MANAGEMENT: how effectively you can manage your time. I was told once of a professor who in his introductory class on time management had an empty bucket, a bucket of Large rocks, a bucket of medium sized rocks, a bucket of smaller rocks and a bucket of water. He emptied the first bucket into the empty one and then asked the class if the empty bucket was now full. In response the class said "yes!". He then emptied the next bucket and then the next until he had all buckets emptied into the emptied into the empty bucket. The lesson he taught the class that day was that if you PRIORITIZE your activities by focusing on the most profitable, you will always have time for the small stuff.

Four things I suggest you do with your time: One, Invest It. Don't just spend your time doing things, invest your time in profitable activities. Two, Respect it. If you do not respect your time others wont. Three, Enjoy it. Life is too short not to enjoy the little time we have available to us. Enjoy your work, enjoy your relationships, enjoy your activities. Simply put just have fun.

2. SPACE MANAGEMENT: I believe that when your work environment is cluttered, it reduces you degree of productivity. Everything should have its own place. I believe that while cleanliness refers to hygiene, neatness refers to spatial arrangement. Efficiency will be greatly enhanced when we organize our work environment in a way that optimizes the space available to us.

3. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Your personal effectiveness will be greatly enhanced with our ability to manage money. I believe that the value of an individual is greatly enhanced with his/her ability to do what is required with what is available. It is important to know how to attract money, how to manage money and how to invest money and how to save money. Financial management is one of the most important skills a high performance individual must have.

4. RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT: I believe that life is really about people. We all need people in our lives. I mean good people. The movie "I am Legend" by will smith, illustrates this point in a very vivid way. We all have a need for connection. Those who can make those they relate with find personal genuine satisfaction in their friendship are the winners.

I believe that if every organization is made up of people who can effectively manage their time, space, money and relationships, will be an organization that will always exceed projected expectations. This is what I mean by people power

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