Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Project 50:50.....shared responsibility is a national project to collectively address the economic and social challenges facing The Nigerian Nation. 


A strategy session was held to address these issues. The session was facilitated by Mr Daniel Ikuenobe of ACE Innovative Systems Services. The ACE model for creative problem solving was one of the models used. It involves:  Abstraction(Fleshing out the issues that define the problem), Conceptualization(Development of creative solution models) and Execution(Development of logical sequence of action). Other models such as Stream analysis developed by Prof. Jerry Porras and Six Thinking Hats developed by Dr Edward de Bono.

Mr Daniel Ikuenobe's approach to solving Nigeria's complex problems was to attempt to break down these problems into very simple components.

After considering all the sectors and problems facing the nation especially the problems facing the young people, he decided it was a wise idea to narrow the scope by location and by sector.


We focused on just one problem to avoid "boiling the ocean", which was "youth empowerment"

We defined an empowered youth as one that has production capacity. A productive youth as one who creates value. The youths are productive when they create value and this value is created as their problem solving capacity is improved.

In other words, an empowered youth is one that has the capacity to solve problems.


We broke Nigeria into various sectors: Education, Health, Power/Energy, Oil/Gas, Communication/Media, Entertainment, Transportation, Construction, Politics, Law/Order, Security, Sports, Manufacturing, Financial Services, tourism etc.

We said we had to perform a job role profile for each of these sectors to enable us discover the possibilities and opportunities in these sectors. Then determine the skill and knowledge gaps present in these sectors with a view to adequately meeting the needs by people development and engagement.


We identified the need to behavioural modifications and we decided to use stream analysis to accomplish this. If we are able to model the sectors according to the stream analysis model, we would be able to perform a  planned change intervention.


We agreed to narrow the scope of work by carrying a pilot project in Benin City only for the educational sector. 


We hope we would be able to cause positive change in the city and in the sector then replicate our success in other cities and other sectors of the nation.

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