Thursday, September 9, 2010


The human imagination is a powerful tool. information enhances knowledge. Knowledge feeds the creative process of the human mind. The role that knowledge plays in the creative process is similar to having branches on a huge tree a man must climb. The more the branches, the more options the man can explore on his way up. If the branches are strong, the safer the man is. If the branches are at close intervals, then the man's ease of climb is also greatly enhanced. This is the role knowledge plays in the creative process. The more knowledge you have the more creative options that will be available for you to explore. The closer your facts are to one another, the easier it will be to establish connection. The stronger your facts and deeper your knowledge the safer your creation. So we can say that knowledge is a body of well knit groups of facts that feeds the creative process of man. Imagination is the result of this creative process that must be fact based for it to have practical relevance. The question on my mind is that, is the creative process and hence the human imagination more of facts or of fiction. Most of the practical inventions of today where once upon a time termed fiction and as such in the mind of those who so categorized them, lacked the merits of practical relevance. So like Albert Einstein put it "Imagination is better than knowledge because knowledge is limiting in nature..." I believe that the creative process in order for it to really be said to be creative, must go beyond the boundaries of knowledge. I believe that imagination goes beyond the boundaries of knowledge into the boundless frontiers of endless possibilities. There's increased need to design and creativity in solving the myriad of problems we face on a daily basis on our jobs and as we go about our businesses everyday. This requires the exploration of probable and impractical imaginative options. We must think like ourselves, think like others and think like gods; this is the way of the creative. The human imagination paints scenarios, weaves nets, generates grand alternatives and creates options. Imagination is way of the free and truly powerful. Think about the kinds of organizations we would create, the kinds of communities? These thoughts excites me. Engage the mind and be part of the creative process.

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